Face #4: Glenn Klausner

I apologize for my absence, but as many of you know, the life of a high school senior is anything but relaxing. I've been hard at work applying for colleges, and I'm happy to say that I've been able to apply to two of the six that I'm planning on applying to.
Anyway, on the week of November 11th, we spoke to Glenn Klausner, a medium. Now, I don't know how keen you all might be on what exactly that is. A medium, is a living person that can speak to spirits from the beyond (hence their name signifies the ability to be in between the living and the dead). I'm not really supposed to believe in things like mediums and psychics, but I will admit that the idea has always interested me, so this conference was right up my alley!
It started off as any conference would, we did introductions, asked the normal questions. I had mentioned that I was a quintuplet, I didn't think anything of it at first, but that small fact was able to shake my world and even bring me to tears. It was clear we all wanted him to pick up a vibe- a spirit in the room. The moment he did, however, I felt my body go stiff. I was seeing this with my own two eyes. He had spoken to some of the spirits in the room, and I will admit, I cried a little bit because 1) it happens when other people cry and 2) it was so overwhelming. It when he spoke to one student's grandpa, that's when my world was rocked. Klausner had asked where the quintuplets were and we raised our hands. He then pointed to my one brother and said the spirit had been talking to him. At that moment, the tears came right back. He said whatever separation he needed to do, that it needed to be done and that it was for the best. He had also mentioned that my parents had done a wonderful job raising us. The thing is, this man had died before we were born, and I'm pretty sure my parents don't know this other student's parents or grandparents.
More tears and realizations had come and gone, and I just have to say that it was truly eye-opening. I'm not a full believer, but I do understand it more than I did before the conference. I mean, it was crazy. I don't know how else to explain it. Honestly, if you ever have the chance, look this kid up! He's also a musican which is actually pretty cool because like, he sometimes used what the spirits say to write his lyrics and I just think that's totally wicked.
Until next time, 
Your narrator.


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