New York !!!

I'd like to announce a break from our normally scheduled program. Last week, I went to New York for a field trip, and when I tell you it was wild, I mean it. Okay so we started off the day at this place called Urban Space, which had a bunch of different places to eat. (Side note: There was this one doughnut place and they had a Nutella doughnut and I swear I almost died-it was so good!) The funniest part is though that we wanted to get coffee, and as soon as we got the okay from our chaperone, like 20 of us bolted to the nearest Starbucks- I gotta get my chestnut praline latte while it's still out. When we all came back, our chaperones were laughing so hard, they were so confused. Anyway, after that, we went to where they put up the tree by Rockefeller Center and the minute they told us we could go around for about an hour, we all ran into the lego store. We all made "mini-figures" of ourselves (if I can find any pictures, I promise I'll post them there.) and our teachers. Once we left, a group of 20 of us went into Saks and we split up from there. After an hour of walking around and taking pictures (or being the photographer, in my case), we met outside St. Pat's and we walked down to a place in Korea Town where we were supposed to go through an Escape the Room.
We picked this Moonshine room, and due to the fact that I made a promise not to spoil anything, I can only tell you that it was a lot of fun. We didn't make it out (even though we had one clue left), but we had such a great time figuring everything out. Then we went home and my car broke down-but that's a story for another day.

If I find any, I will post some pictures of my trip.
Until next time, 
Your Narrator.


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