Happy Quarantine!

Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing fine, even if it's just five people that read this. This is just a rundown of what's happening and my experience in the world taken over by the coronavirus.

      It was the week before the quarantine that I was stuck at home, coughing out my left lung. I had this cough for a while, but during this week, it got really bad. I lost my voice the week before and I really wasn't being an active participant in trying to get it back. I just thought it was a little thing and it'd blow over. It didn't. So I stayed home the final week of actual school. It took me four days to get better-do you believe that? Four days for me to get over a little cough, but I digress. While I was home, I did what any person who had nothing to do at home would do: I watched the news. Now, at this point, the virus had already been a topic of discussion and while I knew what it was, it never really affected me before the quarantine, so I never really paid attention to it. However, those four days changed my views entirely. Everyday, my siblings would come home with more news about what the school was planning to do, who was setting up online Classrooms, and how more and more students were getting sick. That Friday, I finally felt better and decided to go to school, joking around and saying it was my last day. When they made the announcement at the end of the day, I was in the locker room. The girls around me started cheering and I stood on one of the benches and yelled, "Alright! So I'll see you guys on Skype for graduation, yeah?!" No one thought anything of it the first week. The school said they were closing for two weeks, so we'd be back soon, right?

       After a week of struggling to keep up with the work at home, my mom said the hotel she worked at was now closed until this whole thing was over with. So, for the past three weeks, she's been home with my family and I. Then it became real. Some time passes, and I slowly get accustomed to my new reality. Overall, I'm doing great with this. I go out for rides occasionally, so it's not that I've shut out humanity as a whole.

Personally, I think the virus is gonna be slowed completely by May. Since the peak is in two weeks, by late May, we should have a better control of the situation and less people will be getting it. I really do just hope for the best.

Am I upset that my senior year is gone? Yeah, who wouldn't be? But I understand why it needs to be cancelled and I'd rather not have a prom than allow a horrible disease to slowly grab hold of any more that the minimum.


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